Senior Service Designer
We are now looking for a Senior New Concept Service Designer with the responsibility for developing new concepts and services across the Telenor store and online store. This is a key area in the organization that will strengthen the investment in our most important sales channels by finding the new one that will ensure sufficient competitiveness and a fantastic customer experience. If you recognize yourself in this description, we look forward to reading your application!
The Mobile division in Telenor Norway is responsible for mobile products in the Norwegian private market. The division works with everything from brand strategy, product development, marketing, customer service, sales and everything that goes with it. An exciting division in a market with a lot of dynamism and where the development is great. The division owns the retail chain Telenorbutikken, a franchise chain with over 80 stores spread throughout Norway, and a website that has over half a million visits a week.
In this role, you will have the main responsibility for being the process leader and implementer of analysis, testing, conceptualization and implementation of new concepts and customer benefits in our strongest sales channels (reasons to visit). An important part of this will be gaining the right customer insight into innovation processes, and experimenting with new ways of uncovering real customer needs. At the same time, you will contribute to developing the way we work with concept design, innovation and development of new benefits, programs and services for our customers.
And you will have the following tasks:
• Lead and contribute to major concept and service projects in collaboration with, among others, market managers, content management, and UX resources
• Facilitate and carry out insight work, prototyping, user testing, implementation and learning
• Participate actively and be a driving force in Telenor’s design environment, and help ensure that we get relevant exchange of experience across the company
• Be a driving force for how we can take advantage of the interaction between Telenorbutikken and and ensure seamless customer journeys across channels
We believe you may have elements of the following competencies:
• Experience and competence in the development of customer journeys and visual communication across channels
• Knowledge of best practices for web and mobile-based digital solutions and design
• Extensive experience with practical application of innovation processes and methods, such as Lean, Design Sprint, Service Design etc.
• Skills in conceptualization and prototyping. We use Figma and it is an advantage if you know this or similar tools and can develop your own prototypes for early testing with users
• Experience in leading teams from initiation / idea to concretization of project
• Has exercised professional leadership across UX disciplines
• Gain quick business and market understanding
Who are you?
• You are a person who is passionate about good web, UI and customer experiences and has a genuine desire to make a difference
• You are independent, creative and enterprising and contribute input to pain points that should be resolved
• You are a person who has good impact and the ability to create commitment
• You are exploratory and able to understand the customer’s different needs, and are looking for new ways to solve our design challenges
• You want to continuously develop yourself, both as a designer and beyond your own area of responsibility
• You are an implementer with a large work capacity and are comfortable with short deadlines and a high production volume
Why should you be part of our team?
• Through this role, you will also become part of Telenor Norway’s design environment with service designers, interaction designers and visual designers. We have a strong and energetic design environment where the designers have regular Meetups where you share experiences and insights across. We have a design lab where you can invite customers and employees to user testing and workshops.
• You will be involved in driving forward and implementing new concepts that are critical of Telenor Mobil’s strategy and participate in key discussions and decisions,
• You get the opportunity to influence and work closely with cross-functional, agile teams that work dedicatedly to achieve the same goals
• You get to take part in influencing how Telenor will modernize way-of-work
• You get competitive salary and conditions; good pension schemes, share programs, health insurance schemes, training offers and extra holidays (all Easter and Christmas in space)
• You get good development opportunities through, among other things, internal courses and educational offers and lots of professional challenges.
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